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History, natural landscape, adventure, community. No matter what you want to see, there are a lot of must-do attractions across the Gilgandra region.

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Unveiling of EnCounter


You're invited to the unveiling of enCounter

 On Saturday 29 April at 11am at Gilgandra Museum AND Wungunja Cultural Centre at Trangie, we're simultaneously launching two museum installations AND a book of stories inspired by the collections of our regional museums. 

Part of our Volunteers. Artists. Museums. Program (VAMP), enCounter is a project designed to connect museums, creatives, and audiences in regional NSW.
Working with museum volunteers, curator Fiona MacDonald and writer Ruth Little, the enCounter artists and writers who have drawn out stories, found new voices, and created new and transformative experiences for visitors.

This project is an initiative of Orana Arts, supported by South East Arts and West Darling Arts—a demonstration of the Regional Arts Development Organisations networking to bring creative practitioners together from across the state to work, collaborate and share. 


  • 11.00 am - 5.00 pm, Saturday, 29 April, 2023


  • Gilgandra Museum, 6 Castlereagh St, Gilgandra NSW 2827
Unveiling of EnCounter

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