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See & Do

History, natural landscape, adventure, community. No matter what you want to see, there are a lot of must-do attractions across the Gilgandra region.

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Gilgandra, Tooraweenah and Armatree each offer different accommodation options. In our accommodation listings you’ll find great hotels, friendly pubs, cabins and caravan parks.

Styled by Gilgandra Region


Styled by Gilgandra Region is an opportunity for local businesses to participate in one of eight one-on-one training sessions with Sophie Cullen from ‘Sophie Cullen Design’, followed by an evening event showcasing local businesses' products, from clothing to merchandise.

To get involved in Styled by Gilgandra Region, or to book one of the private one-on-one online/marketing sessions with Sophie, contact the Activation & Communications team at Gilgandra Shire Council.


  • 5.30 pm - 8.00 pm, Thursday, 26 October, 2023


  • Coo-ee Heritage Centre, 6452 Newell Hwy, Gilgandra NSW 2827


  • Gilgandra Shire Council
  • 6817 8800
Styled by Gilgandra Region

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