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History, natural landscape, adventure, community. No matter what you want to see, there are a lot of must-do attractions across the Gilgandra region.

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Gilgandra, Tooraweenah and Armatree each offer different accommodation options. In our accommodation listings you’ll find great hotels, friendly pubs, cabins and caravan parks.

Gilgandra Show


Whether you’re competing or just after a fun day out, the annual Gilgandra Show program includes animals, horse events, competitions, displays, and more to entertain and engage the whole family. 

Bring the children to enjoy the carnival atmosphere of sideshow alley, and see horses, cattle and sheep. Check out our marketplace lane for some retail therapy. 

The authentic country show has showcased our town and district for generations, and is the perfect opportunity to catch up with locals and visitors. Gilgandra is the home of windmills and the Cooee March, with plenty of local attractions and scenic sites to visit while you’re here for the Show. 


  • 9.00 am, Friday, 06 May - 9.00 pm, Saturday, 07 May, 2022


  • Gilgandra Showground
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Gilgandra Show

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