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Gilgandra Garden Club Open Gardens


Gilgandra Garden Club are celebrating their 25th Anniversary and are hosting an Open Garden Day on 14 October 2023.

The following gardens will be open for viewing:

• Orana Cactus World, 29 Castlereagh Street

• 3 Timbara Court

• 8 Christie Drive

• South Walker Drive

• 2 Howard Place

• 19 Barden Road

• 18 Iris Street

• 6 Wattle Crescent

• 13 Banksia Place

$10 Entry per person to visit all gardens. Tickets can be purchased at the gardens.

Donation from proceeds to be made to Gilgandra & District Education Foundation.


  • 9.30 am - 4.00 pm, Saturday, 14 October, 2023


  • 0428 485 318


  • $10pp Kids FREE
Gilgandra Garden Club Open Gardens

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